Video Webcasting is similar to the idea of Television Broadcasting, with several advantages. First of all, webcasting is hundreds of times cheaper than traditional Television Broadcasting. Secondarily, there are no geographic boundaries that would exclude your audience. And because we can stream an unlimited number of services at one time, it is much easier to get your service broadcasted.
Simply put, we give you the ability to capture what is happening during your worship service and make it available to be experienced by others who cannot be in attendance by watching it on their own computer. We not only help you broadcast live, but also maintain archives of all of your broadcasts to be watched later.
Practically anything that is happening with your church community that other folks would like to be a part of, including church services, weddings, funerals, banquets, concerts or plays, or teaching seminars.
Your church probably owns most of the equipment that you would need to webcast your services. We capture the video feed from a camera set up inside of your sanctuary and the audio feed from your existing sound equipment. Then the audio and video are connected to a computer with access to the Internet. The computer sends your service to our Streaming Media server for distribution to your audience. The software to �stream� your service over the Internet is a free download, and our setup costs and per-service-fees are priced very reasonably.
The folks at home need a computer connected to the Internet and a free program such as �Windows Media Player� to watch your service. To watch a live service they would need to have an Internet connection that is better than the old �dial-up� accounts. While the majority of people in the US already have broadband or DSL access, those that do not can download and then watch your service archive later. In addition for no extra cost or equipment you could stream an �audio-only� broadcast for those to listen to that do not have high-speed internet access.
Church website
Most churches already have a Church Website in place already. We provide an embedded Windows Media Player control to include in your existing website. We can also provide input forms connected to our broadcast schedule database and displays for your website which will only include your services.
Our website
If your church does not have a website, or unless otherwise directed, we will also include all of your webcasts as part of our website. We will provide searchable lists of previous broadcasts, by topic, date, church, and/or speaker.
Copyrighted Music
Check your CCLI license to see how it pertains to Internet webcasting.
Background Images
You should be already obtaining pictures or graphics from royalty-free sites on the Internet.
Webcasting Audience Members
You should provide prominent notices that there is a possibility that audience members may be filmed or photographed.
Service Participants
You might want to have your regular contributors sign a �consent and release� form giving you the permission to use their contribution in any manner you choose.